Remote Interview Tips

Project Millennium, Inc.
3 min readSep 9, 2021
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

The times we are currently in can make the job market seem impossible when you’re preparing to land a career. We are here to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Here at Project Millennium, Inc, we believe we hold the keys to unlocking the perfect interview experience when you apply tips directly from a company seasoned in the hiring process. Continue reading to find out how you can gain the confidence you need when you step into a virtual interview.

Practice And Prepare

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” This quote rings true for personal and professional evaluation. When you take time out of your schedule to run through common interview questions and answers, research the company, and exercise proper etiquette, you are already preparing to stand out amongst the other candidates. Just like acing a test you’ve studied countless hours for, with conventional preparation, your confidence will always shine through. Bring questions that develop during your research to the table during this meeting. This will show a student-mentality, which is a characteristic most employers are looking for.

Develop A Connection With The Interviewer

Has anyone ever told you a person’s name is the most significant link to their own identity and individuality? This is a proven fact. Using the interviewer’s name throughout your answers and questions will help you be remembered while establishing a connection. An obstacle that might stand in your way is a forgetful memory. A quick and straightforward way to ensure you stand by this tactic is to jot down your interviewer’s name on a notepad close by. You can then stick it to your laptop screen for easy reference. You can also build rapport by being friendly and personable. When appropriate, share background information about yourself and show interest in the company culture and values.

Be Early

Directly from our experience as interviewers at Project Millennium, Inc, a candidate choosing to wait until the last minute to sign on can cause chaos in the mind and alter how one conducts themselves. First impressions are paramount when aiming to land a career. Give yourself at least 30 minutes before the start of the interview to assemble what’s necessary for absolute confidence. If you pick out your attire the night before, this will cut time down substantially. One minor but vital element to notice is the background of your camera screen. This is an opportunity to showcase your attention to detail and eliminate any distracting components that would take away from the interviewer’s perception of you.

Project Millennium, Inc understands that interviewing can seem redundant when you can’t seem to land any job you attempt to grasp. That is why we believe these three tips are significant and worth applying when trying to stand out among your peers. When you come prepared, confidence takes over naturally. The biggest takeaway we think every interviewee should know is to build upon every experience you go through. You can only get better if you acknowledge mistakes and improve upon them.

For more remote interview tips and tricks, watch the following video!



Project Millennium, Inc.

Headquartered in Houston, TX, Project Millennium, Inc. is leaving their mark in the sales and blogging world. Learn the best business tips to help you succeed!